Image source: https://www.sportsintegrityinitiative.com
WBJJA and all its partners observes a strict anti-doping policy. We firmly believe that BJJ is a wonderful sport in which personal skill and abilities should shine without the use of any enhancements or unfair advantages.
This is why we ask of our athletes, coaches and staff to adhere to this policy in any way and by any means available.
We encourage our participants to understand this requirement for taking part in our tournaments, especially the obligations and rights they have and to take time to make sure they don’t risk disqualification from a failed medical test.
- First and foremost, make sure you are up-to-date with information regarding the effects of doping on your health and the impact (beyond participation in a sports competition) on the quality of life as a whole;
- Educate yourself and your friends and colleagues at your training gym/camp about the negative effects of drug usage and doping
- Check that any medication or treatment, as well as health or dietary supplement you are on (based on a prescription from a medical doctor or self-administered) doesn’t contain any forbidden substance
- If your medication does contain any of these substances and can’t be replaced by your doctor with a similar product, please make sure to inform us (during the registration process). We shall analyze your situation under advisement from the official competition medic and reserve the right to accept or deny your request to participate in the tournament
- Submit to doping control procedures when requested by the organizers or tournament medical staff
NOTE: Refusing to submit to anti-doping random verification or being found using forbidden substances constitutes ground for immediate disqualification without the possibility of a refund. Also, any matches or titles obtained are null and void.
NOTE: See the list of forbidden substances here:
See a list of Supplement risks here:
You can consult a list of supplements that have been tested and verify if the one you’re using is compliant here (don’t assume that if a product is produced by a company that is large or trusted, it has automatically been declared safe). Educate yourself:
- We reserve the right to deny participation to any athlete that is found using illegal substances with the aim of enhancing his / her performance in the tournament
- For athletes that specify during the registration process that their medication contains one of these substances, we reserve the right to accept or refuse the application, after consulting the official medical staff of the tournament and taking into account various factors (type of medication, available replacements on the market, quantity and type of forbidden substance, etc)
- We reserve the right to perform random testing of athletes before, during or after the competition and all athletes must be available for this process.